Our Programmes

The 4 key programmes and 1 enabling programme at MOHT seek to drive the reshaping of our healh system that is patient-centric, data-driven and digitally-enabled, to better empower health, prevent disease and provide excellent value-based care.

Future Primary Care

The FPC programme aims to enable patients to effectively self-manage their chronic diseases in partnership with their primary care providers. This involves the development of a national telehealth platform and the incorporation of technologies that enable effective and sustainable home management.

Integrated General Hospital

The IGH programme strives to deliver sustainable acute-to-community care by consolidating care at hospital settings and improving shared care between hospital and community settings. Pilots set out to inform approaches that address fragmentation, a growing area of relevance with the increasing prevalence of patients with multiple needs.

Integrated Health Promotion

The InHealth programme focuses on novel strategies to improve health, promote and sustain behaviour change and prevent the onset and progression of disease amongst the population.

Data, Science & Technology

The DST programme aspires to improve health outcomes by targeting healthcare segments with significant burden of disease. We achieve this by deploying innovative technologies that are poised to transform the way healthcare is delivered, and pursuing partnerships to test and scale resulting solutions across all settings in the healthcare system. These technologies are driven by clinical, lifestyle, social and environmental data assets, among others, collected both within the clinic and beyond.

Communications & Engagement

C&E builds on existing strengths in the areas of communications, media, branding and outreach; as well as collaborations with partners to drive community-based, user-centred research to design solutions.