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Design4Impact 2

Improving the Mental Health & Wellbeing of the Community Design4Impact 2 concluded in December 2021. Find out more about Design4Impact 3, which will run from March to May 2023!

Last updated 12 February 2025

Design4Impact 2

D4I 2 banner

Strengthening mental wellbeing in our new normal

Step up and join us to co-create solutions to help strengthen the mental wellbeing of our community!

What is Design4Impact?

Graphic of a cartoon heart with a face

What can we do?

Graphic of a rainbow and cartoon figure

Design4Impact is brought to you by:


Illustration of two hearts with faces

Boon Lay Edition

Illustration of a rainbow and a heart with a face

Design4Impact Webinar Series

Posters with webinar details

Challenge Statements

Illustration of two hearts with faces and a rainbow in the background

Illustration of two hearts with faces and a rainbow in the background

Illustration of two hearts with faces and a rainbow in the background

Join us for a comprehensive, immersive learning experience

Participants will undergo five stages of learning as part of the D4I2 experience (one per week).

Illustration of a brain icon

Phase 1: Empathy

Research and immerse in the needs and challenges of our users

Illustration of a bullseye icon

Phase 2: Define

Analyse research, synthesising insights and refine the design challenge

A lightbulb icon

Phase 3: Ideate

Generating ideas and concepts based on research and insights

A code icon

Phase 4: Prototype

Tranforming conceptual ideas into tangible solutions

An icon showing three gears in a computer screen

Phase 5: Test and Iterate

Testing solutions and improving through iterations.


15 & 16 Sep 2021: Design4Impact Webinar Series

Until 23 Sep: Registration for D4I

29 Sep: Application Outcome

4 - 6 Oct: Team Ice-Breaker and Collaboration Platform Tutorial

7 Oct, 12-2pm: Plenary 1: Starting our Design4Impact Journey

7 - 13 Oct: Team Session 1: Starting our Design4Impact Journey

14 Oct, 12-2pm: Plenary 2: Understanding the Needs of our Users

14 - 20 Oct: Team Session 2: Understanding the Needs of our Users

21 Oct, 12-2pm: Plenary 3: Synthesize insights and refine challenge

21 - 27 Oct: Team Session 3: Synthesize insights and refine challenge

28 Oct, 12-2pm: Plenary 4: Designing and Testing our Solution

28 Oct - 3 Nov: Team Session 4: Generating Ideas and Concepts

4 - 10 Nov: Team Session 5: Testing Prototypes with Users

11 Nov, 12-2pm: Plenary 5: Viability of Solution & Pitching

11 - 19 Nov: Team Session 6: Viability of Solution & Pitching

What can participants look forward to?

Illustration of a two shapes with faces.

Judging Criteria

A puzzle piece icon

Solution Fit

To what extent does the proposed solution address the problem statement and end user needs effectively?

Working tools icon

Feasibility / Scalability

How easy will it be to develop and implement a working model of this solution?

A brain icon

Application of Design Thinking Principles

How well has the team used DT principles (empathy, define, ideate, prototype, test) to inform their solution?

An icon of a presenter in front of a board

Pitch & Presentation

How has the team articulated their proposal and engaged the audience?

Handshake icon


How well does the solution present new concepts or approaches to tackle the design challenge?

Illustration of a trophy and a cartoon heart with a face


Illustration of three hearts overlapping

Participants' Roles

How could I contribute, but not as a participant?

You don't have to be a participant to partner with us! We are looking for:

Illustration of cartoon shapes with faces

Check out previous pilots from D4I 2020

Illustration of a heart with a face


Recreating the social media experience for seniors with an inclusive, community driven way to manage their chronic disease

A cartoon illustration

Silver Buddy

A post-discharge buddy initiative with an accompanying Buddy Aide app that matches volunteers to befriend seniors who live alone.

Illustration of a diamond with a face

BvB Bingo

Using gamification to galvanise residents, their families and their neighbours to pick up healthy habits and health-seeking behaviours.