About MOHT

Professor Tan Chorh Chuan

Singapore has a good healthcare system and achieves excellent health outcomes while maintaining access and affordability. Looking to the future, however, we will encounter unique and complex challenges as our population ages rapidly, the prevalence of chronic diseases continues to rise and social determinants of health become increasing salient. There are also exciting new opportunities created by remarkable advances in science and technology. The ability to collect, curate and analyse large amounts of data will enable innovative new ways to improve population health and prevent and manage disease. Advances in precision medicine and biomedical sciences are producing novel therapeutic options for diseases that were previously untreatable. The active participation of individuals and patients in managing their own health and medical conditions is absolutely critical, and new approaches are becoming available to more effectively promote and support this.

The MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT) was set up to help drive the reshaping of our health system at this exciting time of challenge and opportunity. MOHT focuses on a number of longer-term areas with the potential to contribute to fundamental changes in the way we promote health and deliver care. We work closely with partners to design and pilot new initiatives, and concurrently collaborate with MOH, AIC, Synapxe and other stakeholders to develop critical enablers of scaling such as technology, data analytics, and finance and incentive redesign. MOHT endeavours to draw all these together as effective new end-to-end system-level solutions that have a transformative impact on care and health outcomes.

The journey is a complex and challenging one and MOHT greatly appreciates the strong partnership and support of our many stakeholders and collaborators in the joint pursuit of fundamental shifts that will have a large and positive impact on the health and lives of the public and our patients.


A transformed health system that is patient-centric, data-driven and digitally-enabled to better empower health, prevent disease and provide excellent value-based care.


To take a multi-stakeholder and partnership approach to design and implement innovative solutions essential for the desired health system transformation. 


Our Management

Lim Cher Wee
Executive Director
Covering Head (Integrated General Hospital)

Cher Wee is the Executive Director at MOHT, and has been a key member of MOHT’s leadership team since MOHT began operations in 2018. 

As Executive Director (effective Oct 2023), Cher Wee works closely with MOH and MOHT Board on strategy translation and execution across MOHT projects. In this role, Cher Wee ensures that MOHT’s collaborations align with national health and healthcare priorities. He also bridges conversations for these ventures, so that they continue to be as impactful, adaptive and resonant with the stakeholders that are implementing/improving them.

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Professor Gerald Koh
Head (Future Primary Care)
Clinical Director

Gerald is Head and Clinical Director of the Future Primary Care programme. His area of focus in MOHT is the transformation of primary care using tele-health, novel diagnostic tools and new models of care as enablers.

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Koh Mingshi
Head (TRUST Office)

Mingshi is Director, TRUST Office, MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT). The Office oversees the running and continued development of TRUST, and also supports the development of national Research Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) health data initiatives.

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Lee Keng Leong
Head (Operations)

Keng Leong is the Head of Operations at MOHT. His responsibilities entail overseeing the spectrum of corporate services in MOHT, including corporate planning, procurement, billings, IT, and general administration.

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Liang Hwee Ting
Head (Communications & Engagement) Director

Hwee Ting is the Head of Communications & Engagement (C&E) at MOHT, where she leads a team to develop integrated media campaigns in support of MOHT’s strategy and drives community-based approaches to designing solutions in healthcare.

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Dr Loke Wai Chiong
Co-Head (Financing Redesign & mindline.sg)
Senior Consultant

Wai Chiong led, started and grew several projects within the InHealth programme to address both social and environmental determinants of health. Currently as Senior Consultant of MOHT, he continues to lead Financing Redesign, the mindline digital mental wellbeing platform, and various horizontal enabling initiatives across MOHT. 

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Professor Robert Morris
Head (Data, Science & Technology, and Financing Redesign & mindline.sg) Chief Technology Strategist

Robert is Chief Technology Strategist at MOHT, and holds a concurrent appointment as Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. At MOHT, Robert anchors the Data and Technology Enablers.

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Dalen Tan
Head (Healthier SG Implementation Office)

Dalen is Director (Healthier SG Implementation Office) at MOHT, where he leads the coordination and integration of Healthier SG with the support of MOH. His team oversees the interface between policy, operations, information technology and communications, and works with various agencies and stakeholders in the primary care community to ensure programme outcome delivery to residents.

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Dr Tan Weng Mooi
Head (Integrated Health Promotion)

Weng Mooi leads the Integrated Health Promotion (InHealth) programme. Her role is to co-lead the development of healthy precinct frameworks and leverage on technology to build up mental wellness and resiliency in the community and workplaces.

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Dr Eunice Wong Sook Ping
Head (National Improvement Unit) Director

Eunice is the Head of the National Improvement Unit at MOHT. It is a national unit set up by MOH to drive value creation for patients through continuous and scalable quality improvement (QI). In this role, Eunice leads the development of collaborative learning networks with healthcare clusters, public healthcare institutions, primary care networks and ILTC stakeholders to identify changes and metrics of success followed by small-scale tests of change to understand and describe the local implementation context before scaling.

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Organisation Chart

Board Members

Professor Tan Chorh Chuan
Chairman, MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation

Ms Lai Wei Lin
Permanent Secretary (Policy and Development), Ministry of Health

Professor Kenneth Mak
Director-General of Health, Ministry of Health

Mr Anthony Tan
CEO, MOH Holdings